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G od particle term is exaggerated by the mainstream media which is actually known as higgs boson particle which is a elementary particle in standard model of physics particle  .    This concept of higgs boson particle was introduced by Peter Ware Higgs for understanding of mass of subatomic particle , more generally peoples mistaken  higgs particle's as they are responsible for mass of particle but this notion is completely wrong that is not higgs particle which is responsible for mass of particles that is interaction of elementary particle's with higgs field which is responsible for mass of the object .  HOW THIS WORKS - there are severe fields are present in the universe in all direction and everywhere like electric field , magnetic field , quark field , gravitational field etc  . and when we supply energy to this field's they produce  particles  and the particle which is formed due to energy gain of higgs field is known as Higgs ...


N anotechnology is the science of manipulation of matter according to our need at the Nanoscale of the order of 10^-2 . it have tremendous possibilities in near future because of its ability of making advance material  with unique chemical property which suits according to condition   .  This term technically first time introduced by physicist Richard Feynman in 1959 in his lecture with topic of There is plenty of room at the bottom . but at that time technology was not enough to implementation of his idea in practical application's . Primarily there is two type of approaches we use to construct anything  - I)  Top-to-bottom approach  II) Bottom-to-top approach Top-to-bottom approach :- when we cutoff resource to make our desirable shape is known as Top-to-bottom approach ; Ex- wooden chair .  Bottom-to-top approach :- when we construct structure by starting from its minute cells to approaching required shape of structure is known...


Thermodynamics is the the science of energy . in which we study about how energy could  be converted into  primary interest with high efficiency . although The first commercially-successful engine that could supply continuous power to a machine, was the atmospheric engine , invented around 1712 , but there was not proper scientific explanation which can describe how system is running and at what condition's it could get more efficiency . First scientific formulation of thermodynamic was made by a french military Engineer Sadi Carnot often described as Father of Thermodynamic . He published his work in a book  - Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire and on Machines Fitted to Develop that Power .  He was the first person talked about how steam engine's or system efficiency could be increased by increasing the temperature difference between source body and sink body .  source body - Is the body from which system takes heat as input to convert it into p...


THIS ARE THE SOME IMPORTANT DEFINITION AND KEY POINT OF STRENGTH OF MATERIAL   Stress - The stress applied to the material is the force per unit area applied to the material  { the maximum stress a material can be stand before it breaks is called the breaking stress or ultimate tensile stress } Formula for the stress is                                  STRESS = FORCE/ AREA = F/A ( NM^-2 or PASCAL ) F = Force in newton (N) A= Cross-sectional area in M^2  


LED is a very commonly used device nowadays we use it in various application because of its small size and,cheap prize its very popular among peoples . we use it even in special television set for screen as LED pixels which is useful for clarity for distance audience . basically it is a diode which is set to be in forward condition .   Full form of LED is LIGHT EMITTING DIODE . As evident from name it is diode who produce photon when voltage is given to it . this type of diode is not made by generally used semiconductor's like silicon and germanium it manufactured by arsenic phosphorus and gallium . various types of color can can be produced by changing quantities of material it made up of .  WORKING - Basically it is like a normal diode just difference with it produces light when a forward voltage applied to it . as we know  electron needs energy to jump from lower orbit to higher orbit ,  the working of LED is typically reverse of this process electr...


I n this blog i am going to discuss about something very strange important but strange a master piece from a Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan , who who discovered something mind blowing .   So if i ask you what is the sum of all natural number more likely you will answer  "infinity" and like always genius personalities has something different opinion just like srinivasa Ramanujan . Lets see how                    1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 . . . . . . Became  -1/12 Let's take a infinite series S1 -                     S 1 = 1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1+1 . . . . . . lets do little maneuver with it like we always do in mathematics -  S1 = (1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1). . . . . .  we are just taking brackets at first on "plus one" and than closing it after...